Let's Learn from Social Media Discussions

Online discussions are but controlled keyboard bar fights.

We are not seeking knowledge but rather affirmation. This is why we block/unfriend people who hold opinions contrary to what we believe in. There are special exceptions who we don't need in our lives but more time than not,it's an ego trip.

The worst part about having passion is that it blinds us to external logic. We go out in defence of our cause and can't for the life of us understand why people don't understand it like you do. We seek to spread our wisdom to lesser mortals and uplift their way of thinking.

We don't ever think we are wrong and our friends are always a click away at the comments section to ward off any alternative thoughts. who told you,you could have those?

We are in an online bubble and in all our bubbles we are king. We ask people not to take our social media presence as representations of who we are but take it as an affront to our dignity when someone expresses their differing opinion.

When was the last time you intentionally engaged in a discussion with someone who you know has a different opinion from yours? Maybe, just maybe you're the prude who can't handle it when you're dish is served back to you hot and steaming with disdain.

We all have things about us that make us feel superior to each other and thus our thought high-horse. There's so much potential for us to learn from each other if we would only try.
Sometimes you can see a logical argument being made by someone else but you see the fire by which their argument is put off and you choose to just watch lest you be a victim. We are, in many cases, offenders. Be wary of constant praise. With that comes the end of growth and learning.


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