A Little Encouragement (or not)

I have slowly discovered a few things.
I control nothing, I really don't.
The world owes me nothing.
Bad days happen. Bad days will always happen. Take time, count your losses, mourn then get back up.
Sometimes you feel like giving up. Find someone to tell you the reason why you shouldn't or be that person, yourself. Sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader.
Ask for what you want. Say what you mean.
Reliability is quantifiable. It's not just a feeling. It's actions. It's time given, it's being listened to, it's a surprise visit, it's that call at midnight, it's something, it's not just a feeling.
Take time to call an old friend once in a while. It gives them the joy that you would get by hearing a familiar voice after a long time.
Money really is just money. I was not brought to this earth to make money, I was born to make a difference. Money does help you exist, passion and satisfaction help you live. If your passion and satisfaction are money, good for you, too.
You may not be where you want to be now but don't stop trying. When you get the chance, take that leap-quit that job, take that trip, say what you need to say.
Be yourself, don't hold back.
Don't know where you're headed or you're not where you thought you would be 5 years ago, brace yourself, it doesn't get better. Welcome to life. God is leading you where you need to be. ALL THINGS(relationships, families, fights, deaths, sickness, disappointment, rejection, failure e.t.c) work for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.
You'll probably at some point, find yourself a job you don't like. Find a reason to be happy about it, find lessons to learn, put up with all the crap or leave. You should only complain for so long. It will make you unhappier than you already are.
You can walk away from God whenever you feel like, however you feel like. Be ready, however, for him bringing you back to him. It might not be a gentle nudge.
Anyone talking about finding themselves is probably talking about finding God. They just don't know it.
If you really want someone to true to who they really are, be ready for who they really are.
Sometimes it's okay to ignore people's advice.
Only you have the calling that God gave you so don't expect anyone else to fully understand it or be as passionate about it as you are.
There is the truth and there is your truth. Both are right, both are wrong.

~ Mariga Wang'ombe wa Thoithi


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