Today as I’m blogging I’m really happy. Everything at this point seems to be going perfectly well. Times like these are rare so I take them as they come! I spent the whole day watching good wife and just chilling out plus I spent time with my lovely Cathy.
Today I’m really bleak on what I’m going to talk about but when has not knowing anything ever stopped me before! I think I’ve gotten it, today I’ll talk about happiness.
HAPPINESS is a really big word which has constantly been misconstrued in meaning. Happiness really simple to achieve and many of us know the keys to it we just don’t really want to try to be happy, we’re afraid that it actually may happen! Let me just give you a short list of the things that make me happy:
1.       Having a home cooked meal done well like today; mom, you’re the best
2.       Getting the largest piece of chicken or nyama choma
3.       When little kids wrap their puny little hands round my finger
4.       When I find a sok in my pocket on that really broke day
5.       When I listen to a song that is exactly what I’m feeling
6.       When I listen to good music(my selectively cool selection)
7.       When I warn someone that someone that something bad will happen then it does and I go all “I told you so” in their face
8.       When my little nephews or nieces come shouting my name and come and hug me and insist on me carrying them and it makes me feel like the strongest man in the world
9.       When I go to church and the preacher is ‘talking to me’ it gives me the feeling that I’m not alone
10.   When I do random plots with my church crew which often involve overeating usually at someone’s place and we end up paying nothing!!
11.   When eating mutura and matumbo (life’s little pleasures)
12.   When having Maryland cookies and (or)oreos and cold milk
13.   When I do lunches with pals I haven’t seen in a long time and you talk as if you were never apart
14.   When I walk around in town plotless and pretend to be busy to that pal you meet just to have them convince you to come with them or pretend to give up something really big just to chill out with them(this I got from someone else)
15.   When laughing at my brother’s heart problems(tit for tat, he does the same to me)and this happens A LOT
16.   When mom tells me something sweet like “you really can do anything you want to do” and when I told her that I’ll be the best I can so I can make her proud and she told me that “she would be proud of me forever, no matter what I did”
17.   When I realize that I have a dad who will do literally anything for is family to be all right and live comfortably and all though he doesn’t really say it, by virtue of being an African man, I know he loves us
18.   When I find inspiration to write a poem
19.   When I sleep in the whole day and all I do is eat and watch t.v, don’t shower or brush my teeth(Bruno inspires)
20.   When at the end of the day over the supper table my mom, bro and I bond and share our day’s events
21.   When I went to get a tat and Stacy(b.f.f) comes just to see if I’ll cry
22.   When my bro re-watches beyonce’s tour over and over again and says that it is, quote “touching!” It makes me realize why I’ll always be the cooler older bro
23.   When I go out with janira and phela who are always there to make jokes from
24.   When I sit down and think about when I’ll be rich and famous
25.   When I look at a pregnant lady and get the urge to point at her stomach and shou “I know what you did!”
26.   When Emma(IMA)totally ignores my advice and I do the same to hers but we still end up dishing some to each other,what are friends for??
27.   When Whitney calls just to see how I am and is my shoulder to cry on(figuratively speaking of course) and always tells me its going to be okay. Plus she’s a hopeless romantic (we all have one friend like that).
28.   When I find myself short a substantial amount of money and don’t really know where it went, all I know is that I had fun
29.   When I hang out with Ndunge, random as uhuru park(or not)you’re really just awesome!!
30.   When I have three hour chats till 1 and can hardly wake up but I’m still happy and perky cause the call was fun
31.   When the person I have feelings for feels the same way after giving me such a hard time vibing her!!

These are just thirty things that make me happy.
The rest may cause uproar (public indecency,on paper) or cost me my reputation as the innocent boy that I am.
We all have the little things in life that make us happy, that’s really all we need!!
Stop looking for the sun, its already so warm in your life with all the things you have around you. Smile because of choice,life hardly gives you the chance to smile due to circumstance!
If you’re happy and you know it clap you’re hands; CLAP CLAP!:-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful!!!!!.....al jus assume am da 32nd reason 4 ur happiness..:-)


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