I passed an old beggar on the street today, he had one arm and no legs and his anguished face hid a tale untold I passed a young girl with eyes crying out to me the day before, in her tattered assembly of cloth as her only covering I ignored a deaf man in the mat today, getting funds for his school for the deaf and as he handed me the paper I didn’t even bother to read it and handed it back to him and put my earphones on and on loud I ignored this guy who always begs for money on Moi Avenue today, as I do every day (ignore this one. The bum should just get off his lazy ass and get a job!!) I ignored the smiling old lady who begs just at the entrance of prestige plaza, I just smiled back and was on my way. She hardly says a word but I guess her open hands adequately deliver the message I ignored the boy sniffing glue as he ruffled through the dustbin next to galitos as his dejected expression and mien spoke of hope, of hope lost so long ago I feel ...